58 South Molton Street Wellbeing Centre https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/ Therapy Rooms to Rent Mon, 08 May 2023 12:47:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-58-south-molton-street-logo-32x32.png 58 South Molton Street Wellbeing Centre https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/ 32 32 Climate for SMEs: 4 Steps to Action https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/climate-for-smes-4-steps-to-action/ Mon, 08 May 2023 12:42:50 +0000 https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/?p=26893 T his year, we’re proud to be making a commitment to achieving net zero.  We know how important it is for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) to play a…

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his year, we’re proud to be making a commitment to achieving net zero. 

We know how important it is for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) to play a part in tackling the climate crisis, and that’s why we’re doing Heart of the City’s course, Climate for SMEs: 4 Steps to Action. 

We’re working with Heart of the City to develop a plan for our business to achieve net zero, and we can’t wait to share our progress with you!

Source: https://theheartofthecity.com/programmes/climate-for-smes-4-steps-to-action/

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The value of natural plants in treatment rooms https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/the-value-of-natural-plants-in-treatment-rooms/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 08:26:42 +0000 https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/?p=26866 I n recent years, there has been growing interest in the use of natural elements such as plants in treatment rooms for physical, emotional, and spiritual therapies. While many therapists…

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n recent years, there has been growing interest in the use of natural elements such as plants in treatment rooms for physical, emotional, and spiritual therapies. While many therapists in central London are aware of the benefits of creating a calm and nurturing environment for their clients, the role of natural plants in achieving this outcome is often overlooked.

Research has demonstrated that incorporating natural elements such as plants in indoor spaces can have numerous benefits for physical and mental health. For therapists, having green plants in their treatment rooms can help to reduce stress levels, increase productivity, and promote a sense of calmness and relaxation. This is especially important in a busy city like London, where the fast-paced lifestyle and constant stimulation can be overwhelming for therapists and their clients alike.

Moreover, the presence of plants in treatment rooms can also enhance the overall atmosphere and aesthetic appeal of the space. Many therapists choose to use neutral or muted colour schemes in their treatment rooms to create a sense of calmness and relaxation. By adding plants, therapists can inject a natural element of colour and vibrancy into the space, making it more inviting and appealing for clients.




For clients receiving treatments in these rooms, the benefits of incorporating plants can be even more significant. Research has shown that exposure to green plants can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, improve air quality, and promote a sense of well-being. Incorporating plants into treatment rooms can create a more nurturing and holistic environment for clients, which can contribute to improved outcomes in their therapies.

Furthermore, the presence of green plants in treatment rooms can help clients to feel more connected to nature, which can be especially beneficial for those who live in urban environments. In a bustling city such as London, incorporating natural elements into treatment rooms can help to create a sense of balance and harmony in an otherwise hectic environment.

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The Impact of Online Therapy on Therapists’ Wellbeing and Effectiveness https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/the-impact-of-online-therapy-on-therapists-wellbeing-and-effectiveness/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:20:40 +0000 https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/?p=26848 W hile emerging from the pandemic, many therapists are faced with the decision of whether to continue offering online therapy or return to in-person sessions. While online therapy may seem…

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hile emerging from the pandemic, many therapists are faced with the decision of whether to continue offering online therapy or return to in-person sessions. While online therapy may seem like a convenient option, there are many reasons why co-working environments may be the better choice for therapists and their clients.

One of the main benefits of co-working is the social interaction and collaboration that comes with it. When therapists work from home, they miss out on the opportunity to connect with other professionals in their field, which can lead to feelings of isolation and stagnation. In co-working environments, therapists have the chance to meet and collaborate with other professionals, exchange ideas and learn from one another, ultimately leading to growth and improvement in their practices.

Additionally, in-person sessions offer a deeper level of connection and communication. While online therapy is effective in many ways, therapists miss out on important body language and tone of voice cues that can help them better understand their clients. The effectiveness of therapies, such as psychotherapy, psychology, nutrition therapy, hormonal therapy, and healing practices, can be enhanced through in-person sessions, leading to more impactful and meaningful experiences for clients.

Moreover, co-working environments can provide therapists with the necessary boundaries and structure for a healthy work-life balance. When working from home, it can be easy for therapists to fall into the trap of working long hours without breaks, leading to burnout and exhaustion. In a co-working environment, therapists are more likely to set boundaries around their work hours and take regular breaks, leading to increased productivity and overall wellbeing.



In conclusion, while online therapy has its benefits, co-working environments offer therapists and their clients so much more. The social interaction, collaboration, and deeper level of connection in-person sessions provide can lead to improved effectiveness and overall success in therapies. So, for therapists who are considering whether to return to in-person sessions, co-working environments may be the answer.


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Working in an Optimised Therapy Room: Creating the Perfect Space for Wellbeing Services https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/the-importance-of-a-collaborative-approach-in-wellbeing-2/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:05:47 +0000 https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/?p=26841 A s a therapist, the environment in which you work can have a significant impact on your ability to provide the best possible care for your clients. Creating an optimised…

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s a therapist, the environment in which you work can have a significant impact on your ability to provide the best possible care for your clients. Creating an optimised therapy room is therefore an essential aspect of any wellbeing practice. In this  post, we will explore the benefits of working in an optimised therapy room and provide tips for creating the perfect space for wellbeing services.

The Benefits of an Optimised Therapy Room

An optimised therapy room provides a comfortable, welcoming, and relaxing atmosphere for both therapists and clients. Here are some of the benefits of working in such a space:

  1. Improved Client Experience: Clients are more likely to feel comfortable, relaxed, and at ease in a therapy room that is optimised for wellbeing services. This, in turn, can improve their overall experience and increase the likelihood of them returning for future appointments.
  2. Increased Therapist Productivity: When therapists work in a space that is designed for optimal wellbeing, they are more likely to feel motivated, energised, and productive. This can lead to better outcomes for clients and increased job satisfaction for therapists.
  3. Enhanced Brand Image: A well-designed therapy room can help to create a positive brand image for your wellbeing practice. Clients are more likely to view your practice as professional, welcoming, and modern if the therapy room is optimised for their comfort and wellbeing.

Tips for Creating an Optimised Therapy Room

Here are some tips for creating an optimised therapy room:

  1. Choose the Right Lighting: Natural light is best, but if that is not possible, consider using soft, ambient lighting that is not too harsh or glaring. This can help to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere for clients.
  2. Invest in Comfortable Furniture: Clients should feel comfortable during their therapy sessions, so invest in comfortable furniture, such as armchairs and massage tables. Consider the needs of different types of therapists and clients, and choose furniture that is versatile and easy to adjust.
  3. Soundproof the Room: Soundproofing is essential to ensure privacy and reduce distractions. Use sound-absorbing materials, such as acoustic tiles, to reduce outside noise and create a more peaceful atmosphere.
  4. Incorporate Relaxation Techniques: Incorporating relaxation techniques, such as specific relaxation music or light breathing, can help to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere for clients. Allow therapists to choose how they incorporate these techniques into their services.
  5. Use Sustainable Products: Use sustainable products, such as reusable cups and eco-friendly cleaning products, to reduce your impact on the environment. Incorporate natural elements, such as plants, to create a more welcoming and relaxing atmosphere.



In conclusion, seeing your clients  in an optimised therapy room is essential for any wellbeing practice. A well-designed space can improve the client experience, increase therapist productivity, and enhance your brand image. At 58 wellbeing centre these tips are part of our platform. Allowing us to  invite you to work in a space that is comfortable, welcoming, and optimised for your clinic.


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The Importance of A Collaborative Approach in Wellbeing https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/the-importance-of-a-collaborative-approach-in-wellbeing/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 06:22:50 +0000 https://58southmoltonstreet.co.uk/?p=26768 W hen it comes to our health and wellbeing, we often think of a single solution or therapy that can help us overcome our challenges. However, research has shown that…

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hen it comes to our health and wellbeing, we often think of a single solution or therapy that can help us overcome our challenges. However, research has shown that taking a collaborative approach can be much more effective in achieving our wellness goals.

A collaborative approach involves different professionals working together to provide a holistic and personalised solution to their clients. For example, a psychotherapist working with an osteopath and a nutritionist can offer a more comprehensive approach to a client who is struggling with weight loss and emotional eating habits. By working together, they can address not only the physical aspect of the issue but also the emotional and psychological factors that contribute to it.

Similarly, a functional medicine doctor working with a vitamin infusion therapist can help optimise the absorption of nutrients and supplements in the body, leading to better overall health. A lymphatic drainage therapist working with a beauty therapist can help address skin issues that may be caused by lifestyle factors and refer the client to a mindfulness professional or a functional medicine doctor for further support.

However, the benefits of a collaborative approach go beyond just addressing the immediate issue at hand. By working together, professionals can also learn from each other and expand their knowledge and skill set. They can also build trust and relationships that can benefit their clients in the long run.

One of the barriers to a collaborative approach is the lack of awareness and understanding of what other professionals can offer. This can be overcome by networking and getting to know other professionals in the field. By attending events and working in the same clinic, therapists can learn about each other’s work and explore how they can collaborate to offer better solutions to their clients.

Another barrier is the issue of trust and the fear of losing clients. However, by putting their clients’ needs first and working together for their benefit, therapists can build trust and respect for each other’s expertise. This can lead to more referrals and ultimately better outcomes for their clients.


In conclusion, a collaborative approach is a powerful tool in achieving our health and wellbeing goals. By working together, professionals can provide a more comprehensive and personalised solution to their clients, learn from each other, and build relationships that can benefit their clients in the long run.

Let’s embrace collaborative approaches and work towards a healthier and happier future for all.


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